Thursday, January 29, 2009

Upcoming Anniversary

February 19, 2005, is the five year anniversary of Scott's murder. As the anniversary approaches, many emotions are going through our family right now. It's hard to believe it's been five years since Scott was killed, and things have changed so much...some by choice, some by not.

Once again I am begging for your help in helping us get justice for Scott. His killer is not the only person that needs to be held accountable for things that have happened relating to his murder. If you know someone who can help us, I am begging you please to pass this blog along to them. We need every bit of help we can get. I know it is not going to happen overnight.

As impatient as I sound, the people who need to be investigated WILL be investigated eventually. I will keep after this until we have received the justice we so desire. No I will not go away, shut up or quit. I am here for the long haul.

Thanks again for all your help.

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